Monday, November 14, 2016

D Flip-Flop


The D (data) flip flop is a slight modification of the SR flip flop . An SR flip flop is converted to a D flip flop by inserting an Inverter between S and R and assigning the symbol D to the single input. The D input is sampled during the occurrence of a clock transition from 0 to 1. If D=1, the output of the flip flop goes to the 0 state.
Block Diagram of D flip flop :

click here for J-K flip flop

Characteristic of D-Flip-flop:
          From the characterstic table of the D flip flop are Q is determined by D input. Q output of the flip flop receive its value from the D input every time that the clock signal goes through a transition from 0 to 1.

Circuit Diagram of D flip flop :

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Flip flop , JK flip flop, SR flip flop, D flip flop, T flip flop

                                                           J-K Flip Flop

    A J-K Flip Flop is the refinement of S-R flip flop. Inputs J and K behaves like input S and R to set and clear the flip flop respectively. When inputs J and K are both equal to 1, a clock transition switches the outputs of the flip-flop to their complement state.

Block Diagram of J-K flip flop
Block diagram of jk flip flop
                                                Circuit Diagram of J-K flip flop
The J input is equivalent to the S(set) input of the SR flip-flop and the K input is equivalent top the R (clear) Input. Instead of the indeterminate condition, the JK flip flop has a complement condition Q(t+1)=Q’(t) when both J and K are equal to 1
                                          Truth Table of J-K flip flop
The truth table of jk flip flop -

Flip flop , JK flip flop, SR flip flop, D flip flop, T flip flop

Introduction to Flip Flops
• The digital circuit considered thus far have been combinational , where the output at any given time are entirely dependent on the inputs that are present at the time .
• Almost every system has likely to have combinational circuit. Most system encountered in practice also include storage elements, which required the system be describe in terms of sequential circuit.
• The most common type of sequential circuit is synchronous type. Synchronous sequential circuit employ signals that affect the storage elements only at discrete
Instant of time .
The storage element employed in clocked sequential circuit are called flip flops
A flip flop is binary cell capable of storing 1 bit of information .
It has two output, one for the normal value and other for the complement value of the bit stored  in it.

Types of flip-flops

1.SR Flip-Flop

2.D Flip-Flop

3.J-K Flip-Flops

4.T Flip-Flops

5.Edge triggered Flip-Flops

6.Master-Slave flip Flops

Be A Best Parents.

The way you raise your children is the way you raise your future  generations. Since few of us have had formal training in the fine art of parenting . Most of us simply treat our children the way our parents treated us. We know of no other way to do it.
        Although being a parents is a great joy. it is also a privilege that involves tremendous responsibility. While I would do anything for my childrens. that willinginess is not enough. We need to devolop the skills of excellent parents. We cannot just hope that the way we are raising  our kids is the right way and pray that we will be lucky enougy that they become thoughful. caring and wise adults. We must take the initiativeto improve our parenting abilities by attending seminars , reading books and listening to audiocassettes by the leading thinkers in this fields. Then we must have the courage to keep trying to refine the ideas we learn in the laboratory of our ownlives in order to find the parenting strategies that best suit families.
     I know your life is busy and there is too much to do in too tittle time. But those miraculous years of your sons ans daughters "CHILDHOOD WILL NEVER CONE AGAIN". And if you do not devote the time and effort to becoming the best parent you know you can be, one day you will deeply regret the lost opportinity. 
I  realize one thing: I would give anything in the world to give that tittle boy a piggyback ride.